Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What's the difference between PHP, IFrame and DIV Coding when your coding a layout?

What's the difference between PHP, IFrame and DIV Coding when your coding a layout?What's the difference between PHP, IFrame and DIV Coding when your coding a layout?
okey you got a few things mixed up there.

so, php is used to generate dynamic content, not to design the site.

IFrames are bad and evil. If u use them too much they'll take over the internet and kill us all. Do not use them.

div's your friend. use them for a general structure and then work with css to style them. Divs are friendly.

btw: Tables are also evil. Only use them to display data that needs to be in a table.What's the difference between PHP, IFrame and DIV Coding when your coding a layout?
The difference between PHP and iframe/div is staggering. iframe and div is HTML, and PHP is a scripting language.

You use PHP to write web apps that query databases, verify logins, create pages on the fly, etc. and the list goes on and on.

An iframe is like having a hole on your page, and in that hole is another web page. If that page is clicked ONLY that page will refresh so that the rest of the site appears to stay in the same place. It's not valid HTML and is therefore not encouraged because browsers can interpret iframes however they want. An iframe is only a container and the page that goes inside it still needs to be written as usual.

A div layout is the preferred method. It basically means that you chop up your page in to sections, like a header, navigation bar, side panels, main content, and footer, etc. A div layout implies a strong use of CSS to style the way the page looks. div layouts can be tricky but when mastered are much easier to maintain and change layouts in the future.
IFrame and Div are HTML tags. They are only for the layout purposes. Using IFrame, you can view another html file in your main html.

Div is used to display contents in a html page. You can put some text, image, and/or combination to display in a div.

PHP is not related to layout. PHP is a language to develop dynamic websites, web applications. Like, if you are fetching data from database and want to display it within a div, you will fetch data from database using PHP. Because HTML cannot do so. Once you have data, you can display it in DIV.

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