Be careful on companies advertising online that they can do this for you. Often times you end up paying a fee, you are given some basic training info then you are off on your own to get your own customers. I would check into a community college, learn a skill like medical billing then market yourself directly to doctors and medical groups. Also, find somebody on line maybe through a forum and ask them how they got started. good luckHow difficult is it to work from home doing medical billing and coding?
Good luck with medical billing. I had no luck doing medical transcripts because I had to contact the doctors office and speak with the doctor about doing transcripts. I had to fill out an application to work there and they wanted aqll of my information! Try for WFH job Report Abuse
Yes, visit, I am with them and earn a very nice living. You will need to work though Report Abuse
Beyond your schooling, you will need at least 2-3 years experience, references and referrals before you can really start obtaining clients to do the work at home. And how are you going to concentrate on getting your work done accurately and on time if you have kids running around? How are you going to talk to clients on the phone if the kids start screaming? You'll need to work that out. If you are running a biz, you cannot have children interrupt any phone conversation or be heard in the background.
Medical billing can offer an excellent opportunity to create a lucrative home-based business; in fact, it is one of the top home-based businesses today! However, work-from-home scams abound in every industry, and medical billing is no exception. Here are a few warning signs that may indicate that the medical billing company you are dealing with is a scam:
They require money upfront. You should never give a company money in order to launch your home-based business. They do not require an education. You need a degree or certificate in medical billing in order to successfully navigate the industry - period.
Their only contact information is an 800 number. Make sure the company has an address or local phone number in addition to an 800 number. They “guarantee” a certain income. While medical billing can be a very profitable business, no one can “guarantee” a huge salary right away.
They claim to be their own clearinghouse company. Remember, the key with your home-based medical billing business is research. Investigate any company you’re interested in by contacting the Better Business Bureau (BBB) before you agree to do business with them.
You may also want to contact a trusted friend or colleague in the medical billing business for referrals or recommendations. Keep these red flags in mind and you’ll be well-equipped to avoid work-from-home scams!
Sorry, I don't know about medical billing but if you want to work from home you should check out I work for a medical discount company from home. It is a 15 year old company and is a member of US Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Dental Plans. If you look into it you will find out that it is a legitimate 100 million dollar company. The best part is you can earn money while helping people save on medical expenses which is very important considering today's economy and people losing their jobs and benefits. You would work as an independent contractor and make your own hours. There is no telemarketing or cold calling. I actually learned about the company from Yahoo answers and I am glad I did.
Online medical billing and coding schools are very suspect when it comes to training on the latest medical/billing software since most medical centers have very customized medical software which is not normally shared with trade schools and the like. In the real world of medical billing and coding, training occurs on-the-job. We therefore do not recommend that you subscribe to any online school for medical billing and coding and concentrate on entering a medical internship program at your local medical facility/center for medical billing/coding.
On another subject: the major bulk of medical billing/coding work in the U.S. has been greatly curtailed by state privacy laws as it pertains to medical records and patient confidentiality. The vast majority of medical records are kept in recordkeeping departments within medical centers and any billing/coding work is done ';in-house,'; not ';outsourced.'; So, beware of any offers which promote online in home medical billing/coding work--there are scammers out there.
Good luck!
Hi, what school do you attend online for medical billing and coding?
there are some schools that only offer certification for that field. But if you want to make good $$ i suggest you go for you're associates Degree. Not alot of schools offer associates Degree. Also, it is suggested that you first work at a hospital for at least a year before you branch out at home. and some hospitals will offer you to work from home, you will still be there employee with benefits and all, but you will do it from home. that is the best way to do it first before you go on you're own. I am actually attending Devry University for Health Information Technology Medical Billing and Coding Associates Degree. They offer a life time Job placement So I wont go wrong with that.
I am taking online classes right now.I am actually getting 3 different certificates. Medical claims and billing, medical transcription, medical and dental assistant. I know 83% of people who are doing medical transcription work from home. I know that if your a medical biller you can work from home. it is more like proabably 45% work from home but you can still work from home. You just have to find a doctor who wants there empoyees to do it from home. You can have your own business and contract yourself out or you can just work for one doctor and do his/her work from home. That is what i am going to start out doing. If you do the billing you can work from home even though you have 3 kids. IT might be a little harder but you can do it. Us mothers can do anything. I have 2 small children and thats why I amgettign these certificates so I can be home with them. good luck!
You will want to get certified when you are done. See the AHIMA website and for more information on that. There are some national coding companies where you can work at home, but you may want to get some practice in a doctor's office first.
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